Happy 2023 everyone.
With the new year comes new minimum wage requirements across Washington State. These new requirements create new exemption amounts for garnishments. The exemption amount varies based on the type of debt being garnished.
These amounts only apply to wage garnishments and are irrelevant for ongoing (as opposed to delinquent) child support being enforced.
Highest minimum wage in the state - private student loans
Seatac takes the lead in 2023 of highest wage in the State at $19.06 her hour. This controls the exemption amount for private student loan collection which now has these exemption amounts:
Weekly $953.00
Bi weekly $1,906.00
Semi monthly $2,071.92
Monthly $4,143.85
State minimum wage - Consumer debt:
Consumer debt exemptions are based on either 80% of disposable income or 35 times the state minimum wage which is now (2023) set at $15.74.
Weekly $550.90
Bi weekly $1,101.80
Semi monthly $1,197.72
Monthly $2,395.43
Federal minimum wage - Non Consumer, non-child support, "other"
Federal minimum wage remains unchanged and applies to general non-consumer, non-student loan, non child support, non spousal support type debts. Those amounts are unchanged from last year.
What to do?
Law firms and form providers should be careful to adjust exemption claims and, especially, garnishment answer forms. If any outstanding wage garnishments are in place as the new year dawns some adjustment and partial releases may be required.
Consumers should be aware of and monitoring wage garnishments for employer compliance when applicable. Also, consumers should always consider contacting the attorney representing the garnishing creditor to make payment arrangements in lieu of ongoing garnishments.
For further information see:
If you need legal assistance enforcing a judgment, starting a garnishment, or collecting on a debt, we are here to help.